nuclear degneracy: atom: $2I+1$data for $I$nuclear spin number molecule: totoal degeneracy: $(2I_1+1)(2I_2+1)$ for homonuclear molecule: $I(2I+1)$antisymmetric, $(I+1)(2I+1)$symmetric examples:
$N$: $I=1,\, g_N=2I+1=3$
$N_2$: 3 antisymmetric, 6 symmetric
$NO$: $I_1=1$, $I_2=0$, $3\times1=3$
electronic degeneracy: atom: $\Sigma_J(2J+1),\, J=|L-S|...L+S$ molecule: $^{2S+1}\Lambda_\Omega$, $\phi=1$ for $\Omega=0=\Sigma$ $\phi= 2$ for $\Omega=1,2,..=\Pi,\Delta,...$. Total degeneracy = $(2S+1)\phi=\Sigma_{\Omega}(2S+1)$ examples:
$N: \, ^4S \quad S=3/2,\, L =0,\, J=3/2 \quad g_{elec}=4$
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It has been more than a year since I came to the graduate school. It’s hard to say how’s the lift in u.s. but one thing I can confirm is money is everything. Everybody could devote themselves, their dream for funding. It’s really a tragedy. Hope I can get UMICH’s PhD offer even if it seems hopeless now ToT.
This post is mainly about how to configure matlab for pbs or torque configured cluster.
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The following code is used for MPI parallel computing. The main purpose of the code is used to pack discontinuous data and scatter them averagely to other process.
for example:
In Zero process:
sendvar is a matrix, the size of it is 4 * 8, the data is below
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 the number of process is npros, npros=2
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