How-To: Compile, Link, Run and Debug FORTRAN MPI Programs Using Microsoft Visual Studio

Categories: Software Use
Test-system(s) used: VMware virtual machine of WinXP x64 Pro, MS Visual Studio 2008 with Intel Visual Fortran 11.0.047 running mpich2 Installation For the 64 bit test system, care has to be taken regarding compatibility of components one wishes to use together. Given only a 32 bit Visual Studio (VS) 2008 is available for free to Univ of Manchester researchers, a 32 bit version of mpich2 is used. We downloaded the 32 bit Windows binary from the mpich2 web site.

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How to configure MPICH2 under windows

Categories: CFD Software Use
Download Install Install MPICH2 version 1.4.1p1 on your machine using the installer downloaded from the downloads page Be aware to choose either a 32-bit version or 64-bit one depending on your machine. Uninstall any previous installed MPI Library including MPICHINTEL MPIOPEN MPI etc. During installation select MPICH2 to be installed for Everyone. Also make sure that you keep the default setting for passphrase (usually behappy) during the installation.

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Compile CGNS under windows

Categories: CFD
PC environment is as follows.. OS : windows 7 Program : MS Visual Studio 2008, Intell Visual Fortran [How to install cgns library and cgnstools] Download lastest source file(ver. 3.1.3) from Download HDF5 from…n5.html#obtain and install it. => I’m not sure if it is necessary but I followed an install guide in the cgns sources => I’m not sure waht you should install. But I choosed hdf5-1.

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